Tuesday, March 27, 2012

STOP Cyberbullying

Twenty years ago bullying was a problem that some school aged children faced but wasn’t nearly as prevalent as it is today. Gone are the days that you could only bully someone face to face. The most important thing a parent can do to make sure that their children don’t become a victim of cyber bullying is to talk to them about what constitutes cyber bullying and how to prevent it from happening to them.

You can find more information about this issue on the STOP Cyberbullying website by clicking on the title above.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Good Day!

Well I have an excellent start to the week! I stayed on program today perfectly. I of course as it is everyday had a few moments where I wanted to eat chocolate....and cookies and everything that isn't going to help me on this journey! I resisted, I focused and thought about how it would feel at the end of the day and I hadn't gone off my plan. How I would feel when I stayed within my points. It feels great! I am happy! It was a victory. I feel like treating everyday as a battle and at the end I will either win or loose. I want to win more than loose and I am the only one who can choose which it is. I chose to get back on the workout plan. I worked out for about an hour and earned six activity points. I have planned out tomorrow's meals which believe it or not I feel is the only way I have been successful. When I already decide before the day happens what I will eat I have a better chance of staying on program. Well I am off to bed its sure to be a long day tomorrow! Hope all is well!


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday slum....

So I suppose there is no time like the present to be honest. The weekends are the hardest time for me. The hardest time to stay on program, to stay within my points, to stay focused. Why....To much free time! Plain and simple, its easy to become bored and let food fill the void. I typically weigh in on Saturday's and to be completely honest the last few weeks have been terrible. I have been gaining for several weeks now. Until yesterday that is, I lost 3.8 pounds. Whew!!! It was like a weight off my shoulders. (my shoulders lost weight?? lol) As much as everyone thinks at this point I should be a complete and total pro...know all the in's and out's of the weight loss world. But here is the god honest truth. I struggle, I get frustrated, I hit wall's and I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to break through it. I started to doubt myself and my ability to take control of my life. The problem is that as much as I wish this weight loss thing was simply about burning more calories that you eat its truly not. Its more about your brain than anything else. I think that figuring out what the disconnect in your mind is and determining what you need to do to fix that problem is soooooooo rough. So I guess that I sorta let myself umm...not really fall off the wagon so to speak...but I guess I kinda jumped. I didn't work out this weekend, I didn't eat right, and I didn't stay on program. Now, what have I learned. I am human, I make mistakes, sometimes I make the wrong choices. What else did I learn? Tomorrow is a new day, I am going to have to work hard this week to keep from gaining, I have a lot more to learn. Sigh.