Monday, June 1, 2009

Good Day!

Well I have an excellent start to the week! I stayed on program today perfectly. I of course as it is everyday had a few moments where I wanted to eat chocolate....and cookies and everything that isn't going to help me on this journey! I resisted, I focused and thought about how it would feel at the end of the day and I hadn't gone off my plan. How I would feel when I stayed within my points. It feels great! I am happy! It was a victory. I feel like treating everyday as a battle and at the end I will either win or loose. I want to win more than loose and I am the only one who can choose which it is. I chose to get back on the workout plan. I worked out for about an hour and earned six activity points. I have planned out tomorrow's meals which believe it or not I feel is the only way I have been successful. When I already decide before the day happens what I will eat I have a better chance of staying on program. Well I am off to bed its sure to be a long day tomorrow! Hope all is well!
